Get to know me

Veerti Mehta

Clinical Psychology, RCI Licensed

Introduction about myself
Introduction about myself

Hello! I am so glad you’re here.

The world is a bit better with letting words flow! So let me be the first one to take this good saying forward!

To iron out the zig-zag journey of life, let’s begin with circling back on how I chose psychology as a career. The intention was rooted in the dynamic nature of human brain. Furthermore, the exploration of human behaviour through a scientific and research-based lens fuelled my interest. To embark on this journey, few structured step stones included an undergraduate degree in psychology and a postgraduate degree specialising in clinical psychology. The academic knowledge went onto deepen my interest in the field of clinical psychology amongst many other intriguing facets of psychology. On intervals (mostly during term breaks and holidays), I applied and challenged my academia through internships and observerships at various establishments. The next leg of journey as a trainee clinical psychologist sensitised me to an extensive regiment of practice. The 2 year journey took me through various wards of hospitals, interdisciplinary discussions, delivering services to a wide age range and reflecting on how I grow as a professional.

Apart from the technical nick-knacks, with moving around different cities and countries, a multi-cultural exposure helped me in understanding nuances of various societies.

My Journey

Clinical Experience

I am sure you know all about Freud, Maslow’s needs and the line ‘psychology is study of mind’. Well like you, that’s where I begin. With navigating through realms of psychology academia and donning research hat, field work was the ignition to my life as clinical psychologist.

I started out with interning and observing at psychologist set-ups, private psychiatrist clinics and multi-speciality hospitals. As the training and education furthered, I participated in supervised clinical practicums and internships to gain practical experience in working with clients. During these supervised placements, as trainee I had the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world settings under the guidance of experienced professionals at varied hospitals in Mumbai such as Sion Hospital, SRCC hospital, Jagruti Rehabilitation Center, Regional Mental Hospital etc. I worked directly with clients, conducting assessments, diagnosing mental health conditions, and providing evidence-based interventions and therapies. The clients ranged across the lifespan, from children and adolescents to adults and older adults. Along with that participating in workshops and community awareness programs, have enriched the experience!

How I Can Help You

With the knowledge, training, and experience in the realm of mental health, I am dedicated to helping individuals navigate their emotional and psychological well-being. Through this journey, I have gained understanding of various therapeutic approaches and techniques, which can assist in guidance and support. Specialising in a range of mental health concerns, including anxiety disorders, depression, trauma, and relationship issues, I aim to offers a comprehensive and personalised approach to the assessment and therapy. Through evidence-based techniques and a compassionate therapeutic alliance, I aim to work collaboratively with clients to create a safe and nurturing environment. I firmly believe in tailoring their interventions to suit the unique needs and goals of each individual, fostering personal growth, resilience, and lasting positive change.